The congregation of Lakewood Village Community Church has chosen a dedicated group of volunteers to lead the church. Our Board of Directors and the Deacons are the lay leaders that work hard to make our community church a great place of worship, fellowship, joy and learning as we strive to better our relationship with God.
The Board
The three officers and eight Directors shown below form the Board of Directors. The board has the awesome job of working with the church staff to manage the business of the church. Since our church is a congregational church the board reports to the congregation once a quarter.
The Deacons are leaders that serve the congregation. They are those volunteers seen helping with the church services and events such as memorials or church celebrations. Deacons are also helping church members who need a helping hand. With the Pastor the Deacons also lead the worship and spiritual life of the church.
2022 Board of Directors
Chairman Chris McCullough
Secretary Gay Lynne Meek
Treasurer Kathy Kirchhoff
Christian Education
Deacons Carol Clark
Fellowship Debbie Hamilton
Music Janet Turner
Membership & Outreach Mario Bustamante
Personnel Norma Ellis
Property Steve Kirchhoff
World Service & Missions Chris Martin